Friday, October 23, 2009

Rewards for Labour

Long time nothing new,
We are due for a dream come true.
A demand we make upon the Gods-
An appeal to be fulfilled against all odds.

Those countless hopes and dreams we send,
Wishing all things broken will themselves mend.
The powers-that-are must grant this and more,
For on who else shall they plunder their store?

Its our right to deserve those blessings,
Help, luck, fortune and all those things.
The sun must rise and set for us,
Its only for us, all this grand fuss.

In this entire story we oft forget the fact.
That which life teaches us with too little tact.
Its better to first deserve and then desire;
Every reward is backed with efforts made prior.

Its when we do our part of the deal,
That we may apply for the divine seal.
Its why we have been given the control-
To make things that are good or foul.
It begins with a want, turned into need,
Then the effort and pain of the deed.
If your heart's in it and jobs well done,
Then its return in kind will surely come.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Song of the Rain...

Rain Rain go away,

Come again another day.

Little A.P wants some relief,

Pray do take another way.

Give us some time yet.

To pick up pieces washed out,

To tread our lives and homes,

Into that pattern we once knew about.

To get over the shock and,

Grief of being homeless now.

In an instant when the,

Rains came pouring and how!

Once upon a time,

How we craved that very rain,

To grow from its power,

Food for us time and again .

It took in its lieu all that,

Was within sight and beyond.

To carry away in its tide,

Our lives worth, and more around.

Striped the rich, the poor alike,

Taking dignity and hope too,

Left with nothing to start with,

And journeys all over to do .

After the Rain God's injustice,

It's to remember and learn,

Nature has a debt to collect,

For every boon, it lets you earn.

Two sides to every coin,

To every joy and pain,

Two points to every view,

This too is a "Song of the Rain" .