Saturday, October 4, 2008

A pensive mood..

" Try to be like the turtle-at ease in your own shell" -- Bill Copeland

For anybody who has read even a single Reader's Digest they would surely understand the immortal nature of the book in question. So here I was spending the 'weak'end of my weekend rereading a copy of a certain issue when the above quote leaped out at me.

Raise your hand if you are one of the lucky ones who can truly at least for the moment say I am happy being exactly the way I am. Not only physically but also with respect to your surroundings and circumstances that you have reasonable control over. My hand is down a lot of time. Why is it that we never learn to be thankful for what we have? What is this weird 'bug' in human programming that keeps inner happiness just a bit out of reach? What stops us from stepping up and embracing that kind of satisfaction?

Isn't it always I wish i was smarter, richer, thinner, prettier,taller, more confident, more independent.........? The list of 'if only' is too long to mention here. Sadly we wait around thinking things will fall into place by themselves , never realizing that the peace with yourself that you want, the disquiet in your mind is not something that lies beyond our own self. It is within us to make our life as wholesome and as perfect as we want.

I know this topic has been milked dry by being repeated by everyone at every counselling lecture. They all tell you to accept your shortcomings. But now think from another point of view what if this inability to be constantly walking around as happy as a Christmas tree is actually good for us? It does not have to be only black or only white.
Maybe the reason for all this effort of soul searching and looking inward is just to provide us with an impetus to be better. Lets be optimistic since surely we have already lost the chance to ask God for another model in exchange. Here is the push you need. Here is the motivation. Do some spring cleaning , remove what you could do without and bring in the new.

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