Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Monday Memo..

Well...this was written on request...

The topic’s funny, the timing odd
‘Monday’ on a Tuesday is what I’ve got.
Random thoughts, from sources many
No matter if serious or rather funny.
Monday’s a pain, you’ll agree
The hardest day in which to be.
Weekend’s over, get back to work
Duty calls which you can’t shirk.
Most unwelcome by far, are Mondays
Whined and wished away for three days.
Friday’s spent, imagining how far
Blessedly from today, Mondays are.
Saturday's come, a day’s left yet
Thankful for the Sunday you still get.
Sunday strolls in, make the most
Few hours of freedom left to toast.
Two sides or more, to every tale
Mondays are days, some even hail
Fresh starts , and beginnings new
To get jobs done now long due.
To leave a mark, to score your goal
To let those grand plans unroll.
A classic example, of lessons taught
Whether the glass is half full or not
For what you do and what you see
Is decided by whether you were thirsty.

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