Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bush n' Boots

Since everybody is talking about it, I shall too,
President Bush and his tryst with the shoe.

Oh what a sight it was to see him dodge and duck
And what saved him, you'll agree, was plain luck.

There he was standing, bleating and gloating
A quick hasty farewell, was what he was hoping.

He arrived there with his battery of security men,
Only none could save him from the shoe-sized ten.

Who would have imagined or ever dreamed,
The most powerful president would be so creamed.

But happen it did, and what a way to go
Muntazer al-Zaidi, you certainly put up a show!

For the country you destroyed, here you are,
For the human loss you caused, you are without par.

Its from the homeless and the widows you have made,
For not listening to you, its the price Iraq paid.

So you will agree a shoe in the face is not that big a deal,
At least its not a sorrow, not a wound that will not heal.

For all those of you who criticize this telling act,
Frown upon it for lack of propriety or tact.

You talk of professional ethics and standards high
But do you see the reasons behind them?- Do try

Already he is a hero across the globe, in many parts
A name in history and a respect in many hearts.

Soon another news item will come and this matter will cool
But the question remains- Was the man brave or a complete fool?

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