Monday, September 1, 2008

A question to answer.

Hello there.

I was just thinking about what to write on my blog , which should actually not be so hard since its my personal diary sort of thing and I can scribble absolutely anything and the reader would be forced to read it in the hope that I will eventually get to the point after the half page of rambling. Hahahah. That's why the pen is mightier than the sword. It bends you as per the writer's will without the slightest hint of threat.

But then there is an inside story too. I wonder if our bestselling authors sit and ponder over their words for hours or days at end wondering what others will think about it, whether it is worth saying or not? Or is it that it just flows out from the end of their pens, from their minds into physical form seamlessly? What is it that makes them write? What is it that inspires them? Do they all have terrible personal lives which they draw upon as a reservoir and write those stories which make you weep? Or is it that the philosophical writers are individuals who might have been forced in their youth or their formative years to sit in one corner and think?

Why talk of only authors? Do excellent business rise from bed one day and say today I will push my net worth to over a million? Or do athletes join the Olympics on a whim and voila they have a medal? And to top it all does it comes to them just like that?

I don't know. And I suppose not. It is probably something which exists inside them and when rubbed and polished it shines from within. Micheal Phelps comes to mind at this point. What talent that was ,that the world was left with their mouths agape. Watching the news this evening I could not help but look up to Ratan Tata. What a man! I cant help admire the dignity, the poise, the quiet authority and the razor mind. Not to forget he is the man who said- A Promise is a Promise.

Thousands of brilliant men and women have passed through the times , each ones feat no less than the other. I only talk of those I know. And I wish there could be some way we could preserve and reuse such greatness of character again.

A thought comes to mind- Is there a limited supply of greatness? Or it that a spark or a granule lives inside each one of us? Is the big secret only that those people have been able to forge their inner ores and make fine steel out of it through hard work, perseverance, foresight and a desire, are the ones who have been luckily born into the elite club of super acheivors? And the rest of the populace has been given nothing but doomed to a life of serving as cogs in a bigger machine?

On the other hand what if all of us too have that 'light' inside us and we with our own hand snuff it out due to inner and outer circumstances? Isn't is scarier to think that all of us are vessels to a kind of talent but fail to recognize it and use. We might just be passing through life on the assumption that we are not what heroes are made of . And forever waste that opportunity of being somebody and doing something.

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