Monday, October 13, 2008

Book Review.

This last week I have spent reading 'The God of Small Things' by Arundati Roy. For those who are aware of my reading habits a week might indicate something being amiss. Well yes the book took that much time and I have no idea why. But the strange part is that I am still debating as to what my final verdict regarding the book should be.

Has anybody else who has read it in the same dilemma? There is no one word to sum up the experience of that book. Somehow I felt that it was in parts brilliant, boring , absorbing and mundane.

I suppose that's how it is with these award winning books since nobody can write off the book as completely rubbish or completely awesome and nobody can talk about it because you have yet to grasp its meaning in totality,so you declare it brilliant because it has manged to confound so many intelligent readers all at once as to what dwells between its pages.

1 comment:

tethered thoughts said...

same sentiments dear...only one cant voice them too openly for the sake of being politically and intellectually correct. however, the first book (play/screenplay)by the same ..." in which annie gves it to them" which was incidentally made into a delightful a different kettle of fish altogether...