Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Had to say.

Its funny how I had initially started a blog in October 2007 but never found the inclination to write or post an entry.Then a casual remark was enough to rekindle the interest in maintaining a sort of online diary. And now that I have started this I cant get away from it. A constant strain of thought is running through my mind trying to mentally compose another article for my blog. Oh it gets a little funny too like how the other day I went to an aunt's place for brunch and seeing what happened with me I started wondering if I could write about this too?

We went there at the appointed hour and greeted and were greeted and introduced and made small talk with about the weather, clothes etc. You know the usual when actually everybody is wondering what they are going to be fed and the stomach is rumbling but you cant ask yet coz its rude so you pretend you have all the time in the world. And have you noticed how when you are finally served for example like with juice to start people peer in to the glass ask what is it, then sip cautiously and when the food comes they say they are too full to eat much. I mean really when you knew you were invited to a meal why stuff yourself before you leave your house? Or maybe they just say it because it is supposed to be said and then go ahead and do the exact opposite. I will have to observe next time.

Anyways I filled my plate with the delicacies being served. I was handed a spoon with the plate initially, then I got another spoon with the ' dahi bada' and I had to pick up a fork to eat the little fried chicken pieces. So here I was holding onto the plate lest it spill and trying to decide what to take a bite of next while mentally decided which one of the two spoons and fork to use to eat what when the waiter came and handed me a glass of water. Unable to help I placed the glass precariously onto the little glass table by my side. I don't see much purpose in those tiny glass top tables , they are only good for two things- decoration and tripping. Another matter was the chair i was sitting upon. Thought I actually wanted to sit on the bean bag I calculated that my plate would most probably tip and my blue dress will no longer look blue and my non-blue mother would definitely then look blue.

The rest of the meal was uneventful except for when I had to gulp the whole glass of water in one go because the chicken was too spicy and then had to look at the hostess with watery eyes when she asked me if I liked the food.
What I meant to say is that the blog has become like a favourite plant or a pet which you constantly take care of, worry about and absolutely enjoy.

P.S The comments are the cherry on the cake. The cake would still be there but be grossly incomplete without the cherry.


Pooja said...
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Pooja said...

Another reason why people probably eat before going for a meal could probably be because of a huge appetite a person may have:D (no offense to them)..this is something i noticed.