Saturday, October 25, 2008

Long time.

For anybody who has been wondering where the writer of this blog has been, I am going to pacify you with the lame excuse of there being a wedding in the family and how there is so much to do and things to arrange and people to invite and shopping to be done so on and so forth.

Well truthfully I have not contributed to much since I have noticed that will the upper crest talks nobody pays attention to the lower crust( meant kindly ofcource). So here I am to tell you about the only thing I have done in connection to the wedding. SHOPPED!!

I have no idea how some people cannot like shopping I mean isn't there this exquisite pleasure in owning pretty things and then using them. I mean the feel of exchanging pieces of paper for all the lovely things that there are. The most fascinating are the shopkeepers. All those people are out to sell but only few can really charm you into buying even when you do not have the need. I happened to cross paths with such a gentleman and I am still confused about how he was able to sell me a dress which I had decided against.
I know you must be thinking about how this can't happen to me. But are you sure that you have never come across a salesman who charmed you into buying something you were not really needing to buy? And if you truly have not met such a person then let me tell you they are worth seeing for its truly an art to convince a person to part with his money in exchange of something he did not need in the first place.

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