Monday, February 16, 2009

Something's cooking

What's with everybody? Everywhere I see I find friends and family, lets not take names now, find their someone special.  But then it makes me smile in delight as they try to explain themselves away as if nothing is up with them ,so with those people in mind.......

Written for females but it would do good for the males to pay attention too....

So you thought you could fool,
Pretend you are so calm and cool.
Nothing really is the matter,
Oh don’t bother me with your tatter.
Those glowing eyes and curved lips,
Have shown more than the tips.
It’s the way you say the things you say,
Which makes me a little more attention pay.
Come on , say it loud and clear
All those sighs that you hold near.
Those secret hopes and dreams , that are
From your thoughts, never quite that far.
I know but a part of what you fear,
Its too important isn’t it dear?
Its bigger than what you thought ,
Its the golden noose in which you are caught.
But stop that whirl in your head,
Stop feeding the worries that you fed.
And listen to the murmur of your heart,
Pay heed to what it sings for a start.
Then there is him and you-
Caught in such a bond too.
Now dont risk it or fight it ,
Not when it’s such a perfect fit.
Open your arms wide and good,
And take whatever you can loot.
In this time of reckless abandon,
Snatch all the joy and freedom.
Sure there is no real test,
To see who suits you best.
If its your smile and laugh ,that he can
Bring out in a beat then he is the man.
If at the end of the day you can say it all...
And yet he does not in slumber fall.
If when from bugs you run...
He does not in the least make fun.
If he agrees make up is a not a useless art...
And willingly with his wallet does part.
If he remembers the beauty on the inside...
That within you does surely reside.
Then darling don’t let him go
And at the right moment just let him know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mirror mirror on the wall......unwhe